Inu Jutsu

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Extraída de hispagimnasios llega una publicación antigua de Roland Maroteaux sobre cómo inmovilizar a un perro que nos esté atacando.

¿Qué opinión os merecen estas simples técnicas? ¿Debería ikkyo funcionar sobre un perro tanto como sobre una persona, o considerais ridícula la mera idea de aplicar los "principios universales" a estos simpáticos (casi siempre) compañeros?

Authenticity in Koryu

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I think it's pretty clear that "true and correct transmission" is basically a myth. If you still don't believe me, take a look at old films of any martial art you can find. It's almost certain that there are significant differences between the way they are done now, and the way they used to be done. Many times, these films (perhaps of 400-year-old arts) are only 50 years old. We, at least, have the benefit of viewing these films, where previous generations had only drawings or written descriptions. Surely even greater changes were introduced within the first 350 years.

So, if it's safe to say that what we're doing bears only a vague resemblance to what the founders set down, what is the meaning of "authenticity"?

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Building a mat on a tight budget

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For many of us the most time consuming and costly part of starting a dojo will be our mat. The “mat” is the central focus of our physical Dojo, so it’s important that we have a robust mat we can be proud of. However for most of us, cost is an issue. Many start their schools out of their garages, basements, or inexpensive warehouse space. While a mat is deffinatly something we don’t want to “skimp” on, a really nice “store bought” mat can be staggeringly expensive. This is especially true if you are fortunate enough to have a large space.

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Morote Dori Kokyu Ho

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Lewis Bernaldo de Quiros and Carolina van Haperen perform morote dori kokyu ho with 4 variations as taught by Morihiro Saito Sensei.

Sutemi Waza

Many believe that sutemi waza has no place in Aikido. Well, Mochizuki Sensei didn't quite think like that, and incorporated a series of sutemi from his experience in Gyokushin Ryu Jujutsu into his Yoseikan. The result is a very nice blend of the sutemi with the aiki and ju principles of the art.

The following are just two examples of Yoseikan sutemi waza. Hope you enjoy!

Six Principles of Training by Kondo Katsuyuki

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Daito-ryu is built upon a foundation of six basic elements. These are extremely deep and complex and mastery of even any one of them requires a great deal of time and effort. One's ability to perform Daito-ryu techniques correctly and fully will only develop through constant and strenuous efforts to take all six into account at all times.

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