Aikido Exercises for Teaching and Training

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I've recently bought this book from Carol Shifflett during my last stance in Singapore. The book is packed with information for the beginner Aikido student as well as for the seasoned practicioner, containing serious tips for any Aikido teacher, no matter on the style. Even when the author is clearly biased towards Shin Shin Toitsu Aikido, she never puts any other style down; even exercises are compared to those in Yoshinkan, Iwama Ryu and others...

It focuses in hitori waza, the solo exercises of Aikido more commonly known as aiki taiso. Then a list of techniques is presented with clear explanations on how to perform them. One of the most interesting chapters explains the way in which ikkyo, nikyo, sankyo and yonkyo can be cycled from one to the next and then back to ikkyo, deppending on the energy uke is presenting to you in his futile attempt to scape or counter.

There is even a chapter on "The Gentle Art of Verbal Self Defense," that teaches how violence can always be avoided by means of correct verbal defense. This is a subject not oftenly teached in the martial arts, but a very interesting one.

A must-have in your library.

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