Tezuka Akira Sensei passes away

Luca Idolazzi Sensei from the Taki no Kan sent the following note to e-budo.com:

Yesterday Tezuka Akira sensei passed away. He was one of the faithful uchi deshi of Mochizuki Minoru sensei and practised with energy at the old Yoseikan Dojo in Shizuoka. He strongly believed in Budo and tradition and preserved them through the years with his everyday practise. He continued Master Mochizuki's work in Shizuoka Yoseikan dojo with the Budo Seifukai. He left a big gap in Yoseikan tradition.

1 Response to "Tezuka Akira Sensei passes away"

Que pena, cada vez quedan menos herederos de los viejos tiempos. Descanse en paz, pues.

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